Sunday, July 15, 2012

DIY Dying T Shirt

I am in the process replicating this pin

I have already glued the design on the shirt and so has my step-daughter.  I experienced a problem.  She suggests to print a design out and use that to trace.  I printed mine in color because that's the way the picture was on the screen.  After I traced it with the glue, I let it sit to dry.  I noticed that there were 3 small spots that weren't drying.  Upon further observation, I noticed that the paper was actually glued to the shirt because too much glue soaked through.  I tried bleaching these 3 spots of red out of the shirt.  I got them to a really light pink but you could also see the bleach.

I dyed them anyway and they are now in the wash.  I'm very interested in how this will turn out!

This is such a pretty color!  I can't wait until they are washed and dried.

Ok they are finished.  They are lighter than the color in the picture above, but still a pretty color.

This is my step-daughters.

And this is mine.

Some of the butterfly on the back is a little messed up from where the red ink got onto the shirt, but it's hardly noticeable.

I would say this pin works!

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