
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Homemade Body Scrubs

I haven't been buying body scrubs for the past couple of years because I feel like they are such a rip off.  I love the way it makes my skin feel, but 20 bucks is a bit out of hand.  Ever since I lived at home as a teenager, someone was always stealing it from me and when I would go to use it, it would be gone.  How could I resist a homemade recipe? So how could I resist 24 recipes?

Warning: These recipes are sold for $3.99 (not from me)


My Thoughts

I've tried several, and it's worth the money to spend on the recipes.  They aren't just sugar and oil and scent.  They are full on mixtures but still keeping it at a cheap price.  The recipe makes a ton, so I cut it in half to make smaller portions.  I want to try all of the recipes and how can I do that if I keep the same one around for a long time.

One Thing I Changed

I like to use Grapeseed Oil because it's a lighter oil.  They have a large quantity of it at Target for about the same price as the cheap olive oil.  It's more expensive everywhere else and for half the quantity.

My Picture of Caramel Apple
(yes I keep them in tupperware)

 These will make great Christmas Gifts!  I will have to buy nicer containers though!

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